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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nancy is up to it again

I find it interesting that free speech can be protected so closely by someone that is out to take it away from people that have differing oppinions from her own. Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter to the Attorney General, Eric Holder, that basically asked him to turn a blind eye to the anti-trust laws that are currently in place which prohibit newspapers (specifically her liberally biased  local San Fransisco paper The Chronical) from merging together. She is claiming that it is the only way to keep the papers from going bankrupt and that 

"we must ensure that our policies enable our news organizations to survive and to engage in the news gathering and analysis that the American people expect." 

Well isn't that just fitting for the liberals, who love the biased newspapers that overwhelmingly supported Obama 3 to 1 over McCain  in the last election. The funny thing is that at the same time she wants to save the papers (which are out specifically for the public benefit, by the way), she wants to tear down the dominance in talk radio by the evil conservatives with her support of the Fairness Doctrine

I'm not sure, but to me this sounds a little fascist... It sure seems like she wants to control what people can hear. By trying to resurect a failing industry in the name of free speech, and at the same time attempt to ruin a thriving industry by taking away free speech she is abusing her power. I guess the First Amendment only applies to people that think the same way Nancy does. What a shame.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

An Example to the rest of Washington...

On Thursday (3-12-09) Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) proved that some people in D.C. are still there looking out for the good of their constituents and not for themselves. By removing his name from consideration for the position of Secretary of Commerce, Gregg gave up the chance of being in President Obama's cabinet, but at the same time sent a message to the rest of Washington that some conservatives are still willing to stand up for their values. 

In a statement released by Gregg, he says that,  

“It has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy.”

Judd Gregg is standing up for what he thinks is right. He could take the job and try to do things his way in the office, but under Obama, he does not think this is possible. The budget proposal is not something that Gregg wants to be part of and he has argued the validity of claims about the budget made by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner,  saying that

"The argument that this budget doesn’t have tax increases [on everyone] is, I think, an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ view of the budget."

Gregg also questions the validity of how the budget will reduce the debt when he said, 

“When you take the deficit and quadruple it and then you cut it and half, that’s like taking four steps back and two steps forward. That’s not making any progress; you’re still going backwards.”

I guess what impresses me the most is that this is a man who says what he thinks and then follows that up with his actions. It seems too often that the people representing us in the Capitol are willing to say one thing and do another. For example, lots of conservatives are bashing democrats for their pork barrel projects, but republicans account for 40% of all the earmarked spending. It is about time conservatives start taking a stand for their principles and when they do, like Judd Gregg has just done, they deserve high praise for their actions.    

Thursday, March 12, 2009

More taxpayer money for people who don't deserve it

Part of me wants to join a gang, get a tattoo, leave the gang, complain that the reason I can't get a job is because I have a tattoo, and then let the federal government fix my problem and leave the burden on the taxpayers.

So if you're a defender of tattoo removal, you might say it's a good thing that the $410 billion spending bill that Congress is sending to President Barack Obama includes $200,000 for a small California program that helps people get their unstained skin back.

If you're an opponent, you might say it's a big waste of money.

"I would think under a personal responsibility platform, if you were responsible for getting a tattoo put on you, you might ought to be responsible for getting it taken off, and I do not think our grandchildren ought to be paying for it," said Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn.

I have seen alot of irresponsible spending lately, but this is simply the icing on the cake. Our student fees appear to be going up by over $1000 next year, so if the federal government has money to waste I suggest they donate it to the state of California- to put into the higher education system that is clearly struggling.

To read the rest of the article click here.

The Trouble with gun control...

At this past Tuesday's meeting we talked about the second amendment, and some utterly ridiculous laws that the democrats are trying to get passed. 

What have we learned about gun control???
Oh yea, that it raises crime rates because the entire concept of gun control lacks logic all together. 

Take this for example, 
- Law abiding citizens follow the law
- Felons clearly do not follow the law
-Felons cannot have guns
-But felons don't obey the laws, so they have guns
-If we make it nearly impossible for the average law abiding citizen to own a gun for self defense how would they defend themselves and their family if a someone breaks in to rob them. Remember felons don't care if the law says they can't have a gun, they will be armed and an innocent person will be defenseless. 

Check out this interesting video about the illegal disarming of citizens immediately after hurricane Katrina: 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Right Wing Fling

I just want to thank everyone who went to the Right Wing Fling on Saturday night for being a part of such a great party. I would especially like to thank Samantha for hosting us and Jacki for providing chauffeur services after the night was over.  I think everyone had a great time and it was an excellent way to blow off some steam before finals sneak up on us. As you can see from the picture everyone was looking fancy. I don’t think we took a picture with all the guys, but trust me we were all looking dapper in our shirts and ties. I am looking forward to next year’s fling already, or maybe we should just make it a quarterly event instead and have one in the spring as well. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Right Wing Fling

Hi everyone, just want to remind you that our unofficial club cocktail party called the Right Wing Fling will be happening this Saturday starting at 8:30pm.  It is taking place in SLO near the intersection of Madonna and Los Osos Valley Rd and to see the address and a map clink on the link in the calender above.  If you would like a ride home after the party plan on bringing $2 for gas money for the DD.  Cocktail attire is encouraged and I'll see you all there!

"I'll keep my guns, my money, and my can keep the change!"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Thanks for visiting CPCR's new website/blog. Check back often for news and events happening on the Cal Poly Campus. Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions!